David Heinemeier Hansson (known to the Ruby community as DHH) is a Danish programmer and the creator of the popular Ruby on Rails web development framework and the Instiki wiki. He is also a partner at the web-based software development firm 37signals.
David obviously is a cool guy when it comes to programming and startups, however I will post some interesting videos here with him below.
Jason Calacanis vs. David Heinemeier Hansson,
Watch this video with Jason Calacanis from TWIST, debating Venture Capital. Great show.
Unlearn Your MBA (Entire Talk)
David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails and partner at 37signals in Chicago, says that planning is guessing, and for a start-up, the focus must be on today and not on tomorrow. He argues that constraints—fiscal, temporal, or otherwise—drive innovation and effective problem-solving. The most important thing, Hansson believes, is to make a dent in the universe with your company.