Should you use Docker when developing JavaScript applications?

February 25, 2021


Short answer; I don’t think so. When developing a JavaScript application you most likely use a bunch of libraries (through npm or yarn) that will sit in the root of the project under /node_modules. Now, if you use Docker it’ll live inside the container and won’t be accessible to you, your filesystem or code editor. This causes pain, e.g:

  • When installing new libraries you have to connect to the Docker container
  • You have to copy node_modules locally to make your code editor happy
  • You can’t use tooling such as yarn link or yalc to use local packages

Docker is great for many things, and I’m a big fan.
However, for active development of JavaScript applications, not so much.

🙋‍♂️ But, but..

“Docker makes it much simpler for other people who are not necessarily JavaScript developers to spin up the project.”

Yep, agreed. For them we can have a simple script that starts a Docker container and running the project. But not for active development.

“Ehrm, you can solve this with Docker!”

Ok, then you are just simply much smarter than me. I’ve tried countless times and I’m never completely happy. Share your solution!

Written by Victor Meyer who builds stuff out of Stockholm, Sweden.
Don't be a stranger, say hi to me on Twitter.