Me, Hammar and Carl went for a late night tennis session @ Good to Great Academy in Danderyd. In contrast to the murky clubs we usually play at (which we like) this club was super fancy and even offered free recordings through a company called PlayReplay.
PlayReplay doesn’t have an About page on their website what I can tell, but it seems like it’s a swedish company.
There was a touchscreen on the court where you could create an account with PlayReplay by simply entering your email and password. That’s it. Then it sent the recording to your email after the session finished. Pretty cool. I edited out some highlights that you can see below.
To edit the video I looked through the video and made notes of the segments I’d like to keep. I then used a python script together with ffmpeg
to split the video into multiple segments, and then concatenate it into a single file. Below is the script in it’s entirety.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
def get_duration(input_video):
cmd = ["ffprobe", "-i", input_video, "-show_entries", "format=duration",
"-v", "quiet", "-sexagesimal", "-of", "csv=p=0"]
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8").strip()
if __name__ == "__main__":
name = "input.mp4"
times = []
times.append(["00:18:33", "00:18:41"]) # Carl, Hammar, dubbel nätstuds
times.append(["00:21:47", "00:22:00"]) # Victor slår en bra poäng mot Hammar
times.append(["00:22:40", "00:23:00"]) # Victor slår en bra poäng mot Carl
times.append(["00:23:23", "00:23:36"]) # Victor slår en bra poäng mot Hammar
times.append(["00:23:38", "00:23:48"]) # Hammar slår Victor med en bra poäng (direkt efter)
times.append(["00:24:30", "00:24:39"]) # Carl slår Victor med en bra forehand
times.append(["00:25:09", "00:25:21"]) # Bra bollduell mellan Victor och Hammar
times.append(["00:25:26", "00:25:44"]) # Bra boll mellan Hammar och Carl
times.append(["00:26:00", "00:26:01"]) # Carlos visar upp sina fotbolls-skills
times.append(["00:28:57", "00:29:02"]) # Hammar BACKHAND
times.append(["00:29:18", "00:29:25"]) # Hammar BACKHAND
times.append(["00:29:37", "00:29:54"]) # Carl slår Hammar på nät
times.append(["00:32:29", "00:32:47"]) # Bra boll mellan Hammar och Victor
times.append(["00:33:58", "00:34:08"]) # Stoppboll av Carlos
times.append(["00:35:04", "00:35:12"]) # Vattenpaus
times.append(["00:37:04", "00:37:19"]) # Carlos yxkast-lopp över Hammar
times.append(["00:38:05", "00:38:15"]) # Victor lobbar Hammar
times.append(["00:38:58", "00:39:06"]) # Hammar BACKHAND
times.append(["00:39:42", "00:39:49"]) # Hammar FOREHAND
times.append(["00:40:37", "00:40:41"]) # Hammar är HELT KLAR
times.append(["00:41:06", "00:41:15"]) # Hammar BACKHAND
times.append(["00:41:36", "00:41:46"]) # Hammar BACKHAND (backhand sitter bra idag)
times.append(["00:42:24", "00:42:32"]) # Carlos drar strängarna
times.append(["00:43:17", "00:43:28"]) # Victor vinner över Hammar med smash
times.append(["00:48:04", "00:48:14"]) # Carlos kastar racket
times.append(["00:48:45", "00:48:56"]) # Victor vinner över Hammar
times.append(["00:50:06", "00:50:17"]) # Carlos vinner över Hammar
times.append(["00:50:55", "00:51:04"]) # Carlos slår igenom Hammar
times.append(["00:53:01", "00:53:23"]) # Två bra bollar mellan Victor och Hammar
times.append(["00:54:53", "00:54:56"]) # Fist bumps
open('concatenate.txt', 'w').close()
for idx, time in enumerate(times):
output_filename = f"output{idx}.mp4"
cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-i", name, "-ss", time[0], "-to", time[1], "-c:v", "copy", "-c:a", "copy", output_filename]
with open("concatenate.txt", "a") as myfile:
myfile.write(f"file {output_filename}\n")
cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-f", "concat", "-i", "concatenate.txt", "-c", "copy", "output.mp4"]
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8").strip()